by Erika Luitjens | Jul 26, 2020 | Entrepreneurship, Uncategorized
CapCon’s long association with the Global Social Benefit Institute (GSBI®) Accelerator inspires a new partnership for CapCon. Like many businesses worldwide, some of the social enterprises which have been through the Miller Center’s GSBI Accelerator program were faced...
by Erika Luitjens | Jul 26, 2020 | Children, Education, Entrepreneurship, Uncategorized
In its ongoing mission to find market-based solutions to alleviate global poverty, CapCon is drawn to organizations that adhere to the “hand up, not a handout” philosophy. Street Business School is just such an organization. CapCon has provided a 3-year grant to...
by Erika Luitjens | Oct 3, 2017 | Entrepreneurship
CapCon proudly supports the Miller Center at Santa Clara University, and would like to acknowledge the great work being done by the Global Social Benefit Accelerator (GSBI). GSBI is a program which typically supports organizations that have been in operation for 5+...